The Geochemistry Center at Yale University (PI Noah Planavsky and PI Alan Rooney) has a world-class trace element facility. The metal free Picotrace class ten clean room lab is designed for trace element geochemistry and equipped with 12 hoods and 12 dry down stations, including two perchloric acid hoods for efficient total rock digests.
The center also houses several high sensitivity and precision inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers. We house a Thermo Finnigan Neptune-Plus multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), a Thermo Finnigan Element XR magnetic sector ICP-MS, and a Thermo Finnigan Triton Plus multicollector thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS).
The Geochemistry Center is adjacent to the Microprobe Facility, which houses a JEOL Hyperprobe electron microprobe. Both the Geochemistry Center and the Microprobe Facility have full-time technicians. Partial lab maintenance costs are provided by the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Images and additional information on the lab facility can be found at Lab page. More information about the research focus of our group can be found at People page. Feel free to look at our Publication page.
The department also has and maintains a standard sample preparation facility, which has saws, clean powdering mills, and updated machinery to make thin sections, and a petrography center, which has a scanning electron microscope with a technician and several light microscopes.