
September 13, 2017
Researchers are learning more about the evolution of echinoderms, the group that includes sand dollars, sea urchins, and starfish, thanks to new evidence of the tentacle-like...
September 12, 2017
The dramatic, dinosaur-to-bird transition that occurred in reptiles millions of years ago was accompanied by profound changes in the skull roof of those animals — and holds...
September 7, 2017
The Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum1, 2 (PETM) was a global warming event that occurred about 56 million years ago, and is commonly thought to have been driven primarily by...
September 7, 2017
A new study argues that the “swimmers” of the natural world — from ships at sea to microorganisms floating through the bloodstream to ubiquitous quantum particles — exert a...
August 15, 2017
The award is given “for outstanding advances in understanding the role of mixed-phase processes in cloud-climate feedbacks”.  Trude will receive the award in January at the ...
August 9, 2017
 Scientists have identified a small marine predator that once patrolled the ocean floor and grabbed its prey with 50 spines that it deployed from its head. Named Capinatator...
August 7, 2017
A mysterious “warming hole” in the North Atlantic Ocean, an anomalous zone of cooling temperatures which has fascinated and puzzled scientists for the past few years, may be...