
Image of the earth's crust
January 20, 2021
Scientists are learning more about the geological conveyor belt that hauls carbon deep into the Earth’s mantle — namely, the process of subduction, which occurs when tectonic...
Conceptual sketch of the ocean basin
January 19, 2021
A new study suggests that tiny, mineral grains — squeezed and mixed over millions of years — set in motion the chain of events that plunge massive tectonic plates deep into...
January 8, 2021
Habitability” is a big issue in Earth and Planetary Science. Usually habitability conditions are defined as the conditions in which liquid water exists on the planetary...
Earth's Biosphere
January 7, 2021
Noah Planavsky and colleagues provide a new look at how the structure of biosphere on Earth has changed over Earth’s history and how these changes have reshaped Earth...
January 4, 2021
Islands jutting up from the world’s oceans provided environmental conditions necessary for early life to flourish, a new study co-authored by a Yale scientist suggests....
October 5, 2020
Temperatures at Earth’s highest latitudes were nearly as warm after Antarctica’s polar ice sheets developed as they were prior to glaciation, according to a new study led by...
October 2, 2020
The latest cover of National Geographic magazine features a Yale discovery that stretches back … oh, about 115 million years.  Deinonychus, a Cretaceous Period raptor that...