Left to Right: Henry Dick G’76, Karen Fischer ‘83, Garrett M. Leahy G’08, Lawrence Grossman G’72, Peter Schearer ‘78, Moderator: Professor Karl Turekian
Karl Turekian, Yale University
Henry J. B. Dick 76’ PhD, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
“It Ain’t Your Daddy’s Ocean Crust”
Dick Audio
Karen Fischer ‘83 BS, Brown University
“What makes the lithosphere strong and the astenosphere weak?”
Fischer Audio
Lawrence Grossman ‘72 PhD, University of Chicago
“Minerals collecting on a comet”
Grossman Audio
Garrett M. Leahy ‘08 PhD, ExxonMobil, Houston
Peter M. Shearer ‘78 BA, University of California, San Diego
“Seismology and the Mantle”
Shearer Audio