New IGCP509 Referencing Resource
The following files each contain c.1500 references currently in the IGCP 509 reference database, obtained through “Current Contents Connect” using both “Palaeoproterozoic” or “Paleoproterozoic” as the search term in Title and Keywords. In many cases the URL to the manuscript is linked to the reference. Files are available for download as Endnote (.enl) or Reference Manager (.rmd) files. We have also added .xml and .txt file to allow you to import the references into other software. If you don’t have access to any bibliographic software the .txt file can be opened in any text browser.
In addition to the downloadable files, we have also added these references to an online version of Endnote (called Endnote Web) that is linked to ISI’s Web of Knowledge. You can use Endnote Web even if you don’t have Endnote on your desktop but you will need a subscription to webtools that incorporate an Endnote Web link (e.g. Web of Knowledge). You will need to register (i.e. get username & password) to use Endnote Web – this is a simple task via the Endnote Web login page. You can get to it fairly easily via Web of Knowledge but the following link should take you directly to the “register” and “log in” page.
Once inside Endote Web access to the IGCP509 file is via a “shared file” and access to the shared file is achieved through automatic recognition of your email address. All IGCP509 members’ email addresses have been added to the database using the addresses in the “participants” file on the IGCP 509 web page. If the e-mail address is correct you should be able to see the shared “IGCP509” folder once you are logged into Endnote Web. If your email address in our participants file is incorrect then you will not see the IGCP509 file. Please contact us and let us know if this e-mail address is incorrect.
If you use alternative bibliographic software to Endnote and Reference Manager, Endnote Web supports export to a number of different format types that you may then be able to import into your software. It seems that the URL link is lost during this download so we recommend that if you have Endnote or Reference Manager software that you use the download files rather than export from Endnote Web. In addition the downloadable files are slightly more comprehensive than the Endnote Web files so we recommend imporing from the .xml or .txt file.
Finally, apologies if your paper did not get a “hit” and is missing from the list. We will be happy to add your papers to subsequent iterations of the list but only if you send us these as a file that can be imported into Endnote. This can be generated from Endnote Web.