Volunteers listed below will coordinate and oversee production of stratigraphic correlation charts and GIS based geological maps for individual cratons. Contact information can be found in the participant list.
West Australia:
Ian Tyler (Geological Survey of Western Australia)
Steve Sheppard (GSWA, to be confirmed)
Simon Johnson (GSWA, to be confirmed)
North Australia:
Peter Betts (Monash University, Australia)
Ian Scrimgeour (NTGS, to be confirmed)
South Australia-Terre Adelie:
Martin Hand (University of Adelaide)
Chris Clark (Curtin University of Technology)
Geoff Fraser (Geoscience Australia, to be confirmed)
Rajat Mazumder (project co-leader; Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
H.N. Bhattacharya (Presidency College, India)
North China:
Guohcun Zhao (University of Hong Kong)
Mingguo Zhai (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dimitry Gladkochub (Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Irkutsk)
Alexei Didenko (Russian Academy of Sciences)
Victor Melezhik (Geological Survey of Norway)
Peter Sorjonen-Ward (Geological Survey of Finland)
Stefan Claesson (Swedish Museum of Natural History)
Svetlana Bogdanova (Lund University, Sweden)
Leonid Shumlyanskyy (Inst. Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation, Kiev)
West Africa:
Felix Toteu (Centre for Geological and Mining Research, Cameroon)
Martin Lompo (University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
Central and Eastern Africa:
Abdul Mruma (University of Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania)
Jean-Paul Liegeois (Africa Museum, Tervuren, Belgium, to be confirmed)
Simon Johnson (GSWA, to be confirmed)
Southern Africa:
Read Mapeo (University of Botswana, Lobatse)Nic Beukes (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
Bruce Eglington (University of Saskatchewan)
Richard Armstrong (Australian National University, to be confirmed)
São Francisco craton:
Fermando Alkmim (University of Ouro Preto, Brazil)
Johildo Barbosa (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil; to be confirmed)
Amazon Craton:
Reinhardt Fuck (University of Brasilia, Brazil)
Colombo Tassinari (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Claudio Valeriano (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro)
Western USA:
Karl Karlstrom (University of New Mexico, USA)
Kevin Chamberlain (University of Wyoming, to be confirmed)
David Foster (University of Florida, to be confirmed)
Western Canada:
Kevin Ansdell (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Sally Pehrsson (Geological Survey of Canada)
Eastern Canada/Greenland:
David Corrigan (Geological Survey of Canada)
Jeroen Van Gool (Danish Lithosphere Centre, Copenhagen, to be confirmed)
Kristine Thrane (University of Copenhagen, to be confirmed)