The Yale EPS department was delighted to partner with the Ethnic Online STEM Foundation and New Haven Promise
to host a STEM 101 for Parents event at the Kline Geology Laboratory on April 20, 2023. Parents attended talks and a panel discussion featuring working professionals in science, technology, engineering, and math who spoke about pathways to STEM careers. Children visited a series of breakout rooms for hands-on demonstrations and activities, featuring presenters from Sikorsky Aircraft and Lego as well as science communications specialist Philippe Reekie from Yale EPS. Presenters from CT Bio and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency were also on hand to talk to children and parents. Reekie, along with Yale EPS faculty Ruth Blake and Maureen Long, served on the organizing committee for the event. We hope that this will be the first in a series of events for New Haven area students and parents!