Yale EPS hosted an outreach event on May 30 for middle school students and their parents, organized and presented by EPS outreach and science communication specialist Philippe Reekie. This fun-filled event used samples from the Peabody Museum collections and vivid pictures to give the audience a tour of the Solar System, from Mercury to Pluto. Each “stop” on the tour featured fun facts, exploration of Earth analogs that resemble each planetary environment, and a discussion of whether extraterrestrial life is feasible. Reekie, who is trained as an astrobiologist and who now works as science communications specialist, DEI facilitator, and grant writer in EPS, presented to a packed auditorium. This event is part of our ongoing efforts to bring EPS science to the general public and to help get children interested in Earth and planetary sciences at an early age.
Click here to veiw more EPS Public Outreach events presented by Philippe Reekie.