The EarthScope Speaker Series is part of the larger EarthScope Education and Outreach program and seeks to present the scientific results of EarthScope researchers to faculty...
A geology-based analysis of Earth’s climate history over the past 700 million years provides evidence that climate change has occurred traditionally through slow shifts in...
Yale scientist and alumnus David Evans has been named as the next head of Berkeley College, President Peter Salovey and Yale College Dean Jonathan Holloway have announced....
A new study suggests that volcanic eruptions did not lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs, and also demonstrates that Earth’s oceans are capable of absorbing large amounts...
The computer models that predict climate change may be overestimating the cooling power of clouds, new research suggests. If the findings are borne out by further research,...
Graduate student Neala Creasy has been awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship by the National Science Foundation, and graduate student Sarah Arveson was given an Honorable...
Scientists have discovered an ancient animal that carried its young in capsules tethered to the parent’s body like tiny, swirling kites. They’re naming it after “The Kite...