The Young Investigator Award will be presented at the Experimental Biology 2018 meeting this April. From the Associations’ website, the award “…recognizes investigators...
Each year the Division of Invertebrate Biology at The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology receives numerous entries for its Best Student Oral Presentation Award....
The fellowship supports independent research topics related to the origins of life. The collaboration seeks to engage the ideas and creativity of researchers around the...
The winning image is an alligator embryo cleared using their own modification of the CLARITY technique.
Jack’s presentation title: Planktonic foraminiferal bleaching during early Eocene hyperthermal events
The unusual melting behavior of the second most abundant mineral in the Earth may affect key processes deep within the Earth, according to a new study.
Research by...
New research by Yale University scientists suggests rocky planets orbiting other stars may hide thick layers of diamond beneath the surface.
“A carbon-rich planet likely...