On an ancient seafloor, burrowing animals appeared and churned up sediment as a sort of opening act for the Cambrian explosion, the rapid emergence and spread of...
Yale researchers Christopher Whalen and Derek Briggs conducted a comprehensive survey of marine life during the Paleozoic Era and came away with a new explanation for the...
In a paper published in Current Biology (June 4th) former graduate students Daniel Field (University of Bath) and Tyler Lyson (Denver Science Museum), together with Professor...
Rising oceanic and atmospheric oxygen levels through time have been crucial to enhanced habitability of surface Earth environments. Few redox proxies can track secular...
This award, the second for Sarah, will support her work on the behavior of sulfur at extreme conditions, as it applies to Jupiter’s moon Io and other S-rich planetary bodies...
Dave Bercovici, the Frederick W. Beinecke Professor of Geology and Geophysics and member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, has been elected to the National...